Information About the Study (Australia)

All participants have now completed their participation in the STRATA study, and the data is now being analysed. We should be able to share results in 2025. Study outputs will will be added to the Publications page.

This study is called STRATA (SerTRaline for AnxieTy in adults with a diagnosis of Autism). It has been co-produced with experienced clinicians, researchers, and autistic people to investigate the treatment of anxiety in adults with a diagnosis of autism. It is already the largest study of its kind, and you can take part from anywhere in Western Australia.

We are now unable to accept any further Expressions of Interest for the STRATA study. Thank you very much for your interest. 


Who was eligible to take part?

To take part in this study you must:

  • be aged 18 years or over
  • have a diagnosis of autism (including variations such as Asperger syndrome)
  • experience anxiety for which you are willing to try treatment with medication
  • be able to complete online or paper questionnaires about things such as your anxiety, other symptoms, and healthcare usage
  • be able to provide informed consent to take part
  • live in Western Australia

What was involved?

Participants in the STRATA study will:

  • Enroll for up to a year
  • Receive either sertraline, or a placebo (inactive) medication to their preferred address free of charge
  • Attend five brief safety check appointments to review their mental health and any possible side effects, and discuss how they are getting on with the medication and any dose changes
  • Complete 4 questionnaires (with their time reimbursed with a £10 voucher for each)

All study appointments can be done via videocall, phone call, or in-person, according to participant preference. Participants are free to stop taking the study medication or to withdraw from the study at any time. All other care can continue as usual.

Why was the study being done?

Medications like sertraline are often prescribed for anxiety in autistic adults but whether they work, and what their side effects are in the autistic population is not well known. By taking part in this study, you will be helping to inform whether autistic adults who experience anxiety should be prescribed sertraline. This study has been designed by experienced researchers and clinicians, with the help of an advisory group of autistic adults. The study will recruit 306 participants over 2 years.

Expressing an Interest

Please read the Participant Information Leaflet here: Download (easy-read version available here: Download), and discuss the study with family/friends/carers/others if you wish.

We are now unable to accept any further Expressions of Interest for the STRATA study. Thank you very much for your interest. 

Information About Sertraline

You can read information about Sertraline here.